Archangel Metatron Spray
Archangel Metatron is heavily associated with the Merkabah and sacred geometry alongside many other higher-level concepts and spiritually-gifted children who are having difficulty adjusting to the world. The energy of this spray can assist you in your understanding of higher-level concepts, such as numerology, sacred geometry and other esoteric wisdom. It can also assist with clearing the unwanted energy from a space and helping spiritually minded children adjust to the wider world.
Archangel Metatron is heavily associated with the Merkabah and sacred geometry alongside many other higher-level concepts and spiritually-gifted children who are having difficulty adjusting to the world. The energy of this spray can assist you in your understanding of higher-level concepts, such as numerology, sacred geometry and other esoteric wisdom. It can also assist with clearing the unwanted energy from a space and helping spiritually minded children adjust to the wider world.
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